4 Types of Investors

Written By Christian DeHaemer

Updated September 18, 2024

When someone asks me how to value a stock, I usually ask if they've ever bought a house — because buying a house is often considered one of the most substantial investments a person can make. However, it also provides an effective metaphor to understand investing in financial markets, especially when navigating through different types of  investor. 

Just as a homebuyer will take into account factors like location, size, and bedrooms, investors also focus on the various attributes of a potential investment, including value, momentum, and size. The house you can afford by the lake is smaller than the one in your price range by the cornfield.

You can afford more bedrooms in Iowa than in Los Angeles. One has a pool, one has a breakfast nook, and one is in a good school district. Every house is different, and so is every stock.

Location, Bedrooms, and Square Footage

The location of a property in real estate parallels the sector or industry of an investment in financial markets. Just as a house in a hot location like Las Vegas may hold more potential for appreciation, it could also turn into a big loser like the real estate market did in 2009.

Like homebuyers, investors need to factor in industry trends, market conditions, and the economic environment.

I knew a guy who would buy houses in areas where young artists and musicians were moving. He figured they were poor but understood beauty and would lead to neighborhood revival. He made a lot of money with this idea.

Four Types of Investors

  1. Value Investors: These investors are akin to homebuyers searching for properties below market value that they believe are undervalued. They use fundamental analysis, scrutinizing the company's financial health, industry position, and general market conditions to identify stocks that are trading for less than their intrinsic value. Value investors typically adopt a long-term approach as they are willing to wait for the market to recognize the company's true value.
  2. Momentum Investors: These are similar to homebuyers who choose properties in trending neighborhoods, betting that property prices will continue to rise. They buy high and sell higher. This strategy is often short term, relying on market timing and the continuous monitoring of market trends.
  3. Technical Investors: Much like homebuyers who base their decision on the architectural design or layout of a house, technical investors use statistical trends, such as price movements and volume, to forecast future price movements. They rely on chart patterns, indicators, and other tools to identify trading opportunities. It's not about the intrinsic value of the security but the patterns and trends it shows.
  4. Insider Investors: These investors are comparable to homebuyers who have exclusive, nonpublic information about a property. Insider investors use confidential information to make their investment decisions, which can provide them with an advantage over other investors. However, it's important to note that this type of investing is heavily regulated and can be illegal unless you are a member of Congress.

In conclusion, you should know what type of investor fits your personality, whether that's understanding the psychology of the market or the analytics, or perhaps you want to buy a company for the long term, in which case value metrics, leadership, and understanding the business are important to you.

Until next time,

Christian DeHaemer Signature

Christian DeHaemer

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Christian is the founder of Bull and Bust Report and an editor at Energy and Capital. For more on Christian, see his editor’s page.

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